Archive | September 6th, 2011

उ0प्र0 में पूरी तरह से तानाशाही चल रही है

Posted on 06 September 2011 by admin

भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने प्रदेश की बसपा सरकार को भ्रष्टाचार का पर्यायवाची बताते हुए मुख्यमंत्री मायावती को चुनौती दी है कि प्रेस को धमकाने के बजाय वे सरकार पर लगाये गये भाजपा के आरोपों के आधार पर भाजपा के खिलाफ मुकदमा दर्ज करें या भाजपा द्वारा जारी 100 घोटालों व चार हजार करोड़ के नोयडा के घोटाले व निजी चीनी मिलों को 25 प्रतिशत शीरा आरक्षण से मुक्त करने वाले घोटाले पर बिन्दुवार उत्तर दे। प्रदेश प्रवक्ता व विधान परिषद सदस्य हृदयनारायण दीक्षित ने आज प्रदेश मुख्यालय पर प्रेस वार्ता में कहा कि भाजपा ने डंके की चोट पर सरकार को भ्रष्ट बताया है। स्मारकों के निर्माण में हुए भ्रष्टाचार पर कैग रिपोर्ट में खुलासा है। विकीलीक्स खुलासे में भी यही बातें हैं। भाजपा के आरोपों से मुख्यमंत्री बौखला गई हैं और उन्होंने संवैधानिक मर्यादाओं को भी पार करते हुए सीधे-सीधे प्रेस और पत्रकारों को धमकी देकर यह साबित कर दिया है कि उ0प्र0 में पूरी तरह से तानाशाही चल रही है।
श्री दीक्षित ने कहा कि मुख्यमंत्री का पद संवैधानिक है। संवैधानिक संस्थाएं गुस्सा नहीं होतीं। विकीलीक्स के खुलासे के बाद उनके लिखित बयान में भारी गुस्से का इजहार किया गया है। उनका गुस्सा सीधे-सीधे भाजपा और उसके नेता मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी पर है, जिन्होंने कल विकीलीक्स के खुलासे के बाद बसपा की सरकार और मुखिया पर भ्रष्टाचार में लिप्त होने का आरोप लगाया था। श्री दीक्षित ने कहा कि मुख्यमंत्री स्वयं को दलित मात्र ही मानती हैं, जबकि संवैधानिक संस्थाएं न तो दलित होती हैं, न सवर्ण। मुख्यमंत्री को संविधान सभा में दिए गए बाबा साहब डाॅ0 भीमराव अम्बेडकर का अंतिम बयान का अध्ययन करना चाहिए, जिसमें उन्होंने साफ-साफ कहा था कि राजनीति में भक्ति या पूजा नहीं होती। जबकि बसपा व सरकार में घनघोर व्यक्ति पूजा है।
श्री दीक्षित ने आरोप लगाया कि बसपा में कोई संविधान या नियम नहीं है। स्वयं मायावती ने अपने को देवी रूप में पूजने की हिमायत की थी। श्री दीक्षित ने कहा कि वरिष्ठ भाजपा नेता सांसद मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी पर मुख्यमंत्री की टिप्पणी अशोभनीय, असभ्य और अश्लील है। ऐसा करके मुख्यमंत्री ने संवैधानिक पद की गरिमा को ठेस पहुंचायी है। उन्होंने कहा कि राज्य में घनघोर भ्रष्टाचार है, इंजीनियर मनोज गुप्ता हत्याकाण्ड से लेकर एन0आर0एच0एम0 घोटाले को लेकर हुई हत्याएं व लखीमपुर खीरी में वकीलों की हत्याएं इसी भ्रष्टाचार का परिणाम है। राज्य में सरकार विहीनता है। मुख्यमंत्री को त्याग पत्र देकर हट जाना चाहिए। जनता भाजपा सरकार देखने को बेताब है।

सुरेन्द्र अग्निहोत्री
मो0 9415508695

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आजम खाॅ मांगे माॅफी, नही तो होगा आन्दोलन

Posted on 06 September 2011 by admin

सपा नेता आजम खाॅ की मुसलमानों के प्रति की गयी टिप्पणी सपा के लिए भी भारी जान पड़ रही है। जिसका खामियाजा आगामी चुनाव में मुलायम की पार्टी को भुगतना पड़ जायेगा। ज्ञात हों कि प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनउ में पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री  मुलायम सिंह यादव द्वारा रोजा आफ्तार पार्टी में आजम खाॅ ने मुसलमानों को भुख्खड़, नकली दाढी़, और बेईमान कहने पर मुस्लिम वर्ग और मौलानाओं में काफी आक्रोश है। इसी के बाबत आज मुनतखब वलमा की एक बैठक नगर स्थित एक विद्यालय में प्रेस वार्ता कर आजम खाॅ  की निन्दा करते हुए मौलाना अबरारूल हक फहमी ने कहा कि आजम खाॅ किसी पार्टी के शियासतदार हो सकते हैं पर किसी धर्म के प्रति टिप्पणी करने का अधिकार नहीं है। आजम खाॅ का टिप्पणी से मुस्लिम समाज को काफी ठेस पहॅची है। इसके लिए उन्हें मुस्लिम समाज से माॅफी माॅगनी चाहिए। मौलाना शमीम राईनी ने कहा कि इस कांफ्रेस के माध्यम से हम लोग मांब करते हैं कि आजम खाॅ को अपनी बात को वापस लेते हुए मुस्लिम समाज से माॅफी मांगे। यदि माॅफी नहीं मांगते हैं तो हम सभी मौलाना दनकी सभा का बहिष्कार कर काला झण्डा दिखाएगें।

सुरेन्द्र अग्निहोत्री
मो0 9415508695

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अधिवक्ताओं मंे भारी रोष, प्रदर्शन और हाइवे जाम

Posted on 06 September 2011 by admin

पूरे जनपद की हरदोई, सवायजपुर, संडीला, बिलग्राम, शाहाबाद तहसील सहित मुख्यालय पर वकीलों के संघ द्वारा भारी रोष प्रदर्शन करते हुए लखीमपुर खीरी की घटना को लेकर बार काउंसिल आॅफ यूपी के आहवाहन पर विरोध दिवस मनाते हुए न्यायिक कार्यो का विरोध किया। हरदोई में वकीलों द्वारा पुतला फंूककर प्रदर्शन किया गया। सवायजपुर तहसील पर हाइवे जाम करके प्रदर्शन किया गया। संडीला, बिलग्राम और शाहाबाद मंे भी न्यायिक अदालतों का बहिष्कार करके प्रदर्शन आयोजित करके विरोध दिवस मनाया गया। ज्ञातव्य हो कि लखीमपुर खीरी के वकीलों और लेखपालों के संघर्ष मंे दो वकीलों की मृत्यु होने पर तथा कुछ के घायल होने पर बार काउंसिल आॅफ उत्तर प्रदेश ने प्रदेश बंदी का नारा देकर विरोध दिवस मनाने का ऐलान किया। बैठक करके रामौतार शुक्ला, आरके पंकज, अशोक कुमार द्विवेदी, शीतला वक्श सिंह, रामप्रताप यादव, अधिवक्ता संघ के अध्यक्ष रामेश्वर प्रसाद बाजेपई सहित सभी पदाधिकारियों ने लखीमपुर के डीएम, एडीएम, एसडीएम, एवं तहसीलदार मोहम्मदी का अविलंब तबादला गैर जनपद में करने की मांग की। वहीं मृतक वकीलों के परिजनों को 50-50 लाख रूपए और घायलों का 10-10 हजार का मुआवजा शासन से मुहैया कराने और दोषी लेखपालों को शस्त्र लाइसेंस निरस्त करवाने की मांग रखी। वकीलों द्वारा डीएम कार्यालय के बाहर पुतला फंूककर प्रदर्शन भी किया गया। इस मौके पर भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल कलेक्ट्रेट परिसर और सभी दीवानी अदालतों के बाहर भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल तैनात रहा। सदर तहसील केे अलावा जनपद की सभी तहसीलों में फायर बिगे्रड सहित पीएसी भी तैनात रखी गई। इस अवसर पर भाजपा के पदाधिकारियों ने भी राज्य पाल को संबोधित ज्ञापन सिटी मजिस्ट्रेट को देकर वकीलों के समर्थन में लेखपालों का दंडित करने की मांग की।

सुरेन्द्र अग्निहोत्री
मो0 9415508695

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विकलांग पेंशन हेतु आवेदन करें

Posted on 06 September 2011 by admin

जिला विकलांग कल्याण अधिकारी गणेश प्रसाद ने जनपद आगरा के विकलांग जनों को सूचित किया है कि मान्यवर कांशीराम जी शहरी दलित बाहुल्य बस्ती समग्र विकास योजना के अन्तर्गत जो लोग टेढी बगिया, राजनगर एवं रामनगर के निवासी हों, और विकलांग पेंशन न मिल रही हो, ऐसे विकलांग व्यक्ति कार्यालय जिला विकलांग कल्याण अधिकारी, विकास भवन आगरा से आवेदन पत्र, आय प्रमाण पत्र एवं बैंक खाता संख्या के साथ समस्त औपचारिकताओं को पूर्ण करते हुये कार्यालय में ही जमा करें , ताकि नियमानुसार आवश्क कार्यवाही की जा सके।

सुरेन्द्र अग्निहोत्री
मो0 9415508695

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CMS teachers’ grand ‘Felicitation Ceremony’ concludes

Posted on 06 September 2011 by admin

CMS teachers awarded with prizes worth Rs. 51 lakhs

inauguration-2A grand ‘Felicitation Ceremony of the dutiful and excellent teachers of City Montessori School was organized at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium. On this occasion, over 2000 teachers and Principals of all CMS Campuses and workers of CMS were felicitated with cash prizes and other useful gifts worth Rs. 51 lakhs and certificates and medals and honoured in traditional gowns. Main attraction of the ceremony had been the honouring of the parents of great teachers on the occasion. The mothers of these great teachers were weighed in fruits and flowers and their fathers were gifted Shawls. Earlier the ceremony began with colourful educational cultural items presented by CMS teachers. Chief Guest Mr Rajiv Aggarwal, IAS, Vice Chairman, Lucknow Development Authority garlanded the portrait of the great teacher, thinker and former President of India, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan and lit the lamp of learning. On the occasion, the wife of Mr Rajiv Aggarwal, IAS, Mrs Aarti Aggarwal had been the Guest of Honour.
Chief Guest, Mr Rajiv Aggarwal, IAS, VC, LDA said on this occasion that it is the need of the hour that our teachers take inspiration from the thoughts of our great teacher Dr Radhakrishnan and follow them. True education consists of shaping the total personality and life of the students instead of only giving academic knowledge to them. He praised the teachers for their commendable works. Teachers are above God as they only can show us the God, he said. He compared teachers will ‘ghee’ in carthen lamp who burn themselves to enlighten their students. He was all praises for CMS teachers and said that he is happy that CMS teachers inculcate the thoughts of World Peace, World Unity and Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam.
In this grand ceremony, the Best CMS teacher declared for the year 2010-11 in ISC Section, Ms Niti Tandon, CMS Gomti Nagar campus and the best teacher declared in ICSE Section, Ms Tripti Saxena, CMS Gomti Nagar campus were awarded the cheques of Rs. 33,231/- and Rs. 23,685/- respectively and their mothers were weighted in fruits and flowers. Main attraction of the ceremony had been the felicitation of former CMS Principals and former students who worked with utter dedication and devotion to take CMS at such high position.
honouring-teachers-2Besides this, the Principals of various CMS campuses which had organized international level competitions and the students and teachers who had excelled in these competitions were honoured, Principals and teachers who had brought laurels to India and represented the country in events held abroad were also felicitated. All the teachers and staff members of the CMS family were honoured and recognized for their outstanding services.
Earlier, the programme began with the All Religion and World Peace Prayer Ceremony. On this occasion, teachers presented several educational cultural items and also put up an excellent World Parliament in which they discussed the burning issues of global importance suggesting peaceful solutions to solve their problems. A multimedia presentation further enlightened the minds of the audience and sensitized them on their role as moulders of character of the future generation. In the speech contest for teachers, thoughts were expressed on ‘Growing Criminality in children and the Role of Teachers’. Earlier, the Head of CMS Quality Assurance and Innovation Department, Ms Susmita Basu welcomed the teachers and all the distinguished guests.
Addressing the august gathering of educationists and teachers, the CMS Founder and renowned educationist Dr Jagdish Gandhi expressed his profound gratitude towards all the dedicated teachers and gave credit for success of the institution to the hard work of Principals and teachers. He called on to the teaching community to use their teaching abilities for building the character of children, implanting  noble ideas in their receptive minds and being role models for them. He said that it was the duty of teachers to educate the children about ‘Progressively Revealed Religion’ so that the feelings of World Brotherhood may be inculcated in them. Dr Gandhi asked the teachers to seek inspiration from the thoughts of Dr S. Radhakrishnan and practice the virtues taught by him in them daily lives. At the end of the function, The CMS Founder-Director and renowned educationist, Dr (Mrs) Bharti Gandhi expressed her gratitude towards the Chief Guests, Special Guest and all the distinguished citizens. She said that from a mere five students, the strength of the institution had risen to 42000 and this was largely due to the noble teachers here. It is because of their devotion to duty and dedication to the noble cause of education that CMS students are making their mark in all spheres of society, winning accolade and traversing on the path of World Unity and World Peace, she said.

सुरेन्द्र अग्निहोत्री
मो0 9415508695

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Review of the book ‘Harvest of Human Values’ released recently

Posted on 06 September 2011 by admin

image-of-the-book_harvest-of-human-valuesBook ‘Harvest of Human Values’ is a confluence of human values, traditions and social responsibilities
The Mayor of Lucknow, Dr Dinesh Sharma recently released a much awaited book by Pt. Hari Om Sharma ‘Hari’ at the UP Press Club, Lucknow. On this occasion, renowned litterateurs, writers, poets, administrative officers, educationists, judges and book lovers gathered at the press club and read the book with great interest showering praise on it as an eye-opener and a socially useful book. Top scholars expressed their firm conviction that the book will show a new direction to present day youth and encourage them to touch the highest pinnacles of success and glory. Following is a review of the book penned by Praveen Shukla :
English literature is rich and varied in its own way, even then when we connect it to our Indian culture and Indian way of life, there is something lacking in it. English is gradually becoming a global language and a language closely related to our day to day life in India. This trend is especially visible among the younger generation. In this state of affairs, if we say that there is not enough of English literature in our country specially concerning our rural population, then it will not be entirely wrong. Pt. Hari Om Sharma’s book ‘Harvest of Human Values’ is an attempt to bridge this gap. The significant point to note here is that the present younger generation is madly rushing after Western culture and tradition and is getting steeped in materialism. In this scenario, the book ‘Harvest of Human Values’ acquires a new significance and useful purpose. It shows the right way to the new generation in the language they associate themselves with. It takes the youth towards their roots and teaches them the basics of Indian culture, customs and tradition making them realize the folly of blindly aping the western culture and philosophy.
Written in simple and direct English, ‘Harvest of Human Values’ contains 33 unique stories which present a rich confluence of human values, culture, traditions and social relationships set against the canvas of human emotions in rural and urban India. The varied stories of Pt. Hari Om Sharma ‘Hari’ not only reflect the unity in diversity in Indian culture but have a higher purpose of reflecting universal human values and emotions that teach the youth to become balanced human beings and progress from nothingness to eternity. Even though there is no dearth of story books in English language today, yet there is a crying need for such books which explore human emotions and cement relationships in society, expose social evils and show a new direction towards social upliftment. Harvest of Human Values fulfills this purpose. This is easily evident from the fact that while most books today contain stories based upon human fantasy and imagination, the stories in this book are based on real life situations and offer practical solutions in dealing with difficult problems that every human being faces at one time or the other.
The most significant feature of ‘Harvest of Human Values’ is that its style is simple but the subject matter is not trivial. It is deeply touching and emotional and the stories are full of humour, irony and satire. The style changes with the mood of the characters and becomes harsh when dealing with social evils and causes which are harming our social framework, disuniting the family and leading to breakup of human relationships. With these 33 stories, Pt. Sharma has created a new social thought for Young India that brings together the way of life in villages and in cities. The book is definitely worth reading and absorbing in its content. While the captivating style of the book, interesting character sketches, real life stories, attractive cover and beauty of prose arrest the reader’s attention at once, the actual message behind each story and inspirational content stirs the soul of the reader.
Let us examine the irony of the situation in present day society. Writing the preface to the book, Pt. Hari Om Sharma writes that our traditional relations of ‘Bua-Phupha, Chacha-Chachi, Mama-Mami etc.’ are being eroded to give way to terms like ‘Uncle-Auntie’ and relationships like ‘Dada-Dadi, Nana-Nani’ are being explored through television serials instead of getting acquainted to them in real life. In this regard, the book ‘Harvest of Human Values’ tells the story of three generations, child, parents and grandparents, changing human values, traditions, goals, aspirations, relationships and ideals. It shows how one can reach the top by following good human values, respecting tradition, learning from he past and carving one’s way in life through sheer hard work.
Throughout the book, a deliberate attempt has been made by the author to keep away from complicated and unknown vocabulary sticking to everyday expressions and language of daily usage which the middle class youth can easily identify with. In this way they will have no difficulty in adopting those values and keeping on the right track in life. There is no facet in life which has been left out by the writer. He has touched upon every human emotion, every relationship in society and every social problem that is of importance today. Even the titles chosen by the author have a world of meaning to them persuading the reader to read the story and grasp the meaning within it. Take some titles viz Elderly are like God, Atonement, Father of four sons, Who is religious, Children of Kaliyug, Grandmother, The teacher, Millionaire Beggar, Love Marriage and so on.
So far as the decoration and pages of the book are concerned, the book comes up to expectations. The book is attractive and approximately 200 pages have justified thickness. Its petty cost of
Rs. 200 is easily affordable to each strata of society and high quality paper, good binding, thick and coloured cover adds to the value. The author has thrown light on various facets of life and used quotations to connect rural and urban life-style that is simply unforgettable. Apart from it, the glimpses of blind race and restlessness of urban life is also there in this book. In nutshell, ‘Harvest of Human Values’, leaves a lasting effect on various untouched aspects of life and inspires the youths by teaching cultures and values to do something noble and reach the highest point of success in his life.

सुरेन्द्र अग्निहोत्री
मो0 9415508695

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